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A message from our founder

A message from our founder
Welcome from the founder and CEO Steven Huot
On behalf of the crew, I would like to welcome you to the maiden voyage of 4 Winds Entertainment. This has been quite an endeavor to setup a company during a global pandemic, and yet we are already fortunate to be working with some great partners and to have assembled a world-class core leadership team. Our mission is simple: we sought out the best of the seasoned gaming explorers the world has ever seen and invited them to join us. Together we stand ready to help AAA games sail the publishing seas smoothly and confidently with us as your guide. And we promise you will be bestowed upon with new, limitless horizons filled with shiny, happy, new players at every port.

The core crew is built from the best of my former teams and compatriots throughout the years. I drew from a pool of uncommonly talented and culturally diverse industry veterans, each one treasures in and of themselves; from their passion for the industry, their wealth of hard-to-find specializations and skills, and each uniquely crafted on the ground of opportunity markets. Markets like these make up 40% of the global population, that is more than one Billion potential new players for gaming publishers to add to their base, making opportunity markets the logical next frontier for the industry. Our crew has rallied under one flag to form a one-stop solution to grow game revenues. We will advise you on the best fit of from your slate for each of these high growth new regions. We do the heavy lifting for publishers and developers to eliminate any loss, all the while we gain efficiencies and ever more experience navigating these beautiful blue waters that we love so you benefit more.

While we only just revealed our company to the world, our ships have been sailing for months now, docking in numerous ports to rally allies, study data and prepare. We have already achieved several milestones and collaborations and are fast under sail. All our contacts, connections & collaborators are in service to the select clients we bring aboard. We cannot wait to share more details with you in the future months about our clients' successes and share details of our exciting results including on our full website... coming soon.

If you are hungry for growth, and curious about what we can offer game developers and publishers, do not hesitate to email us at

Let the games begin!
2021-07-12 11:16 General news